Lately I've been feeling like my insides might just decide to leave me. My heart is ready to jump out at any moment. Duuuh-dut-duuuh-dut-duuuh-dut! Ka-bloo-eee! Outta my chest! I can't think straight. My mind is going. And don't get me started on my bowels. Trust me. We do not want to go there. My question is: where do my insides want to go? A different body? Different bodies? Do the different parts not like each other anymore? Are they sad that I don't travel much? Maybe they want to go Germany. I just don't have an answer to these important questions.
Your insides obviously don't know how good they have it. I mean they make up Angie Wilson - that is pretty awesome. I would give them a talking to if I were you!
Turn off the cheese, man.
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