Friday, January 30, 2009

Office Politics

I have been a grade "A" grouch-bot lately. I just do not understand what people are thinking. Now...think of three good things. The weather is nice. I am going to play Yahtzee tonight. I bought of pair of almost new jeans for $7. I also just got a scholarship for a conference in a few weeks. Yip! yip! for learning! My application for school is also in. I have no idea when I will know if I've been accepted. Although it would be 4 years of working and school on the weekends, I am hoping to get in. I just need some things to change in my life. I really like my line of work, but I want new opportunities and challenges. Maybe I just want the summer. I am tired AND boring. I went to a show last night. Bad idea. I like sleep. Oh yes, and my library-related celebrity crush was, well, crushed last night. My friend also has a crush on this boy, and they chatted it up, and he got the boy's name which just ruins the whole celebrity thing. Baugh.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Five Aces Make A.....

I won today's lunch Yahtzee. My score was 308. Not too bad. I have been having a pretty bad run with the Yahtzee. Perhaps the times, they are a changin'(?).
I started getting nauseous again this week. It stinks. My ear feels effed up.
We have our house warming party this Saturday. I am planning on dancing so hard. What else... Jess got her stove yesterday. As soon as the gas gets hooked up I can make myself a stirfry. And I have a Bollywood Dance workout video on hold at the library. And Bon Iver has a new ep out. Yahtzee!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Follow Me?

I made a few changes to this ol' blog. Mostly because I want followers. So...please become a follower. Please. I am so lonely. So very lonely.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Don't Stop Me Now

I am almost settled into my place (finally). I have a few boxes to unpack and need to make/find some more art and touch up a little more paint. But I am almost settled and it feels good. I painted everything. I chose a pretty wimpy colour scheme. My bathroom and kitchen are the whitest white, the living room is a light icy blue, and my bedroom is a pale lavender. Girly girly. It makes me pretty happy. I finally bought a stove that I can pick up the first weekend of Feb. I am really looking forward to that luxury. 
I am really happy in this moment. I am listening to Queen, drinking a delightful cocktail and waiting for my favorite married pregnant ladies. I told my mom that another one of my girls was knocked up. My mom responded if I was pining for a partner. I don't do pining. I really don't. I am happy at least for a moment. 

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

I Hate Green Beans

I really do. I hate them always. I think they are the grossest of vegetables. Okay, I know vegetarians (especially vegetarians with allergies) are supposed to like all vegetables. Take what you can get you picky priss (not to be confused with pissy prick). But I hate 'em. Except in Amy's lentil soup in the green can. I have no complaints with the green bean in Amy's green can lentil soup.
Now...time for a quick update on the last post. The guy who got his head kicked is doing okay. AND my family who got in trouble is still in trouble, but is looking to make some serious life changes. Both results seem like miracles. Actually, the green beans in the green can seem like a miracle as well. Three miracles in just over a week. Now that is pretty awesome.
And now one quick secret... I am applying for school (again). I feel ambivalent about getting in. I really don't have any preference of being accepted over being rejected. The program is only offered every other year, so I decided to give it a shot for this year. The classes are on the weekend, so I can still work full time. But it is a four year program and I don't do so well with commitments. We'll see... We will see...