Monday, June 18, 2007

Put Your Hands on Your Hips and pull your knees in tight...

For the first time ever I encouraged a colleague to read my blog. And he did. I think that it was a bit frightening for both us of us. I feel like we've entered new and exciting territory. Hello Jay, welcome to my blog.
I'm not sure if I should be allowed outta my house with my wallet from now on. I went to look for a baby shower gift (for a really great video with dinosaurs about showers click here). I came home with a really cute navy blue polka dot scarf, "Office Space" and "Rocky Horror Picture Show". None of those items are baby shower appropriate. Fortunately, all are Angie appropriate. (At least someone can use them).
It is raining really hard right now and there's lots of thunder. I'm sure thankful that I can enjoy the storm from the comfort of my home. And that my home isn't a tent.


Heidi said...

How did you end up in the DVD section while searching for baby clothes? Just give the baby something that you whittled.

Anonymous said...

you like rocky horror picture show? why didn't i know this before? heart.

Anonymous said...

thanks for welcoming me to your blog...also thanks for refering to me as a colleage, i don't know what to say.