Monday, February 22, 2010

Listen Up!

I just saw a Crayola commercial and I'm pretty sure they were using the Unicorns song "I Was Born a Unicorn". Whaaa?

Friday, February 19, 2010

Is That A Worm In Your Intestine or Are You Just Happy to See Me?

Today I went to the thrift shoppe and spent a whopping $14 on books. My new favorite book is Jurassic Park and I decided that I like Michael Crichton even though JP is the only book of his that I have read. So now I have eight more to read (I really hope they're all about dinosaurs. I really like dinos). Maybe I'll read them when I'm on the beach. In Maui. In April. Woot woot is right. Before then I have to start a few assignments and finish a course and get rid of worms and a bacterial overgrowth. Ha.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Not So Crazy After All

Guess what? I just found out that I have hookworm chomping on my intestines. How awesome is that? I am hoping that when I get that cleared up digesting and living in general will be a little bit easier. The funny thing is that hookworm is also being used to treat things like hay fever, asthma, crohns and celiacs. I have some fear that I kill the parasite and then everything goes to shit. We'll have to wait and see. It's a little depressing when the discovery of a parasite is guaranteed to be the best thing that happens all month. I need somethings to change - and soon.

Monday, February 08, 2010

Three In One

I am working on putting together a party for work this Thursday. It is going to incorporate Groundhog Day, Valentine's Day, Chinese New Year, and Yahtzee. I'm not sure how to represent all of these interests. The Yahtzee is a no-brainer. I think I'll make heart gf sugar cookies and hang up a paper lantern. I may also wear a mustache and respond indignantly when someone challenges me on how it is representative of groundhogs. Any other ideas?