Thursday, June 21, 2007

Robot Jokes

I was looking for robot jokes today and here are some good ones.

Made by Robots,
for Robots.


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A rabbi, an Arab, a robot, and a Catholic priest walk into a bar. Only the robot exits.

A robot walks into a pharmacy. The pharmacist asks him if he'd like anything. The robot replies, "A soul."

Knock knock.
Who's there?
A robot.
Oh, shit.

What's the difference between a regular robot and a killer robot?
The gnawing jeers of men.

What's a robot's favorite cereal?
(Note: Rob-os are made of the tears of human children.

Why did the robot order a milkshake?
To blend in with the general human population, making it easier to infiltrate society and—in time—conquer it.

Why was six afraid of seven?
Because seven was a robot.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Are you sure you didn't just make those up? Pretty funny