Friday, December 25, 2009
I Am Single-Handedly Ruining the Internet
Hey! I started a new blog. It's about dancing! I need a hobby! That doesn't involve my computer!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Oh Boy
Dear Diary,
Wow. What a crazy week. Two of my top three most memorable evenings have occurred in the last eight days. Last weekend, I had the pleasure of spending some time with a few acquaintances. It was a good reminder of many things. I am so thankful for the people that I have in my life. I am continuously surrounded by folks who are nice and respectful and don't mimic dirty deeds at the dinner table. Uh huh. Last night I broke my favorite of all rules: being in bed before midnight. I got home at 3am with french fries and a muffin from mcdonald's and a belly full of wine. Uh huh. Before 3am came around, I watched a coworker strip down to his gonch. I met a guy who is a vegetarian and used to be a preacher and is still totally inappropriate to date. I also spent about half an hour trying to convince my friend that it would be a bad idea to make out with a coworker. I will spare you the boring details of both nights, but I really really like being boring. I am going to work on being a little more boring from now on. I also have some stories about my new nd, but I will keep the body talkk on the body blog.
Friday, December 04, 2009
Lemon and Cayenne and Maple, Oh My!
I am still "working" on getting a diagnosis of some sort for my allergies/sensitivities. "Working" may not be the right word as it implies some sort of action. I am actively waiting to meet with a new naturopath (only 10 more days until my appointment). When I'm not busy waiting, I keep myself busy with consuming copious amounts of gluten (bread, beer, and muffins). It has been such a good time. I have heard that some people with problems with gluten lose weight - I don't. I feel like a whale. Be-luuuu-ga. My belly hurts and some of my pants don't fit very well. I decided that as soon as I find out just what's going on in my body I am going to go on (drum roll...) the Master Cleanse. I really really love things that cleanse my insides. My favorite part of the description of the cleanse is when it describes the Salt Water Flush (disgusting). I have senna tea left over from the time that I did the Colonix Colon Cleanse (which was a total let down) so I won't be braving the flush. TMI? Too bad for you.
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Poor Choice
I sometimes tell jokes that aren't funny. Such as v---------. I deleted that post. (Good choice).
Sunday, November 08, 2009
And It's Only...
Turns out that by Tuesday, the crappiness of the week had only begun. The shit show continued until Saturday when the representative of the regulatory body that I will one day be mandated to affiliate with was not very nice. Instead of getting into the crappy details, I will instead focus on the good. I ate nachos. I won Yahtzee. I broke the effin' Lunch Hour Yahtzee Working Group Record. Umm...and I still get to eat bread. And I fit two months worth of cussin' in one week.
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
And It's Only Tuesday
This has been the crappiest week in recent history. Bad things have included: abuse, addiction, hate, and blame. Here are some good things. I was expressing how upset I am with not getting along with a coworker and my options. I was advised to pray for the person. Good idea. I will be going out for nachos with some rad dudes later this week. And I have class this weekend. (Just joking, that's another bad thing. Tricked ya).
It was the 7th annual airband party this weekend. Highlights included: airbanding, friends, bird costume (and the bird dance), manipulating friends to sing happy birthday to the party, and gathering in a circle to Leonard Cohen's "Closing Time". I am one lucky gal to have such good people in my life.
Homework time.
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Blah Blah Blah
No blogging for months = I think I have finally grown tired of my own voice. I had a weird summer. On a whim I decided to get tested for allergies and to do that I had to start eating gluten again. The testing went as expected and I'm still on the death diet. It's better than it could be.
I started my masters. It's better than it could be. Updates completed. Now time for a rant.
A few months ago I was at a conference about food. I went to one session where the presenter mentioned how he and a neighbour decided to garden on an empty lot on their block - in the innercity. I was excited because I hoped to garden with people in the innercity this summer - but didn't have the time or energy to start something. I went to talk to him after the session. So did this guy. So the guy talks about how he lives in a co-op in the innercity and is interested in gardening. Great - I found a new friend for my house. I explained to the speaker how I work in the innercity and am interested in getting some folks plugged into a gardening project this summer. Once we were all done talking and gave the speaker our email addresses, I tried to talk to the guy. But he refused to look in my direction. I waited for him the hall. He refused to walk with me. I was annoyed. I'm pretty sure he was at church on Sunday. I'm pretty sure we'll never be friends.
I started my masters. It's better than it could be. Updates completed. Now time for a rant.
A few months ago I was at a conference about food. I went to one session where the presenter mentioned how he and a neighbour decided to garden on an empty lot on their block - in the innercity. I was excited because I hoped to garden with people in the innercity this summer - but didn't have the time or energy to start something. I went to talk to him after the session. So did this guy. So the guy talks about how he lives in a co-op in the innercity and is interested in gardening. Great - I found a new friend for my house. I explained to the speaker how I work in the innercity and am interested in getting some folks plugged into a gardening project this summer. Once we were all done talking and gave the speaker our email addresses, I tried to talk to the guy. But he refused to look in my direction. I waited for him the hall. He refused to walk with me. I was annoyed. I'm pretty sure he was at church on Sunday. I'm pretty sure we'll never be friends.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
I'm Elvis Presley in the Seventies
Spring time is here! I need it so bad. We've already been out in the yard digging around, replanting some found perenials, and raking up leaves. I am so excited to have a yard. I am now on the lookout for a patio set. I think deciding on patio furniture has created the most friction in the house so far. I think that is a sign that things are going really really well.
I took a week off work just before Easter to paint my kitchen cupboards. It was a hellish vacation. Okay, it wasn't that bad. But seriously, who takes off a week of work to complete a project that they really hate doing? I need to learn to take fun vacations. I have not put the doors back on yet. Hopefully I will finish that tonight and tomorrow. I also painted the kitchen ceiling. The room looks so much brighter. It feels good to have improved my feelings toward the kitchen. It is a super important room that can make or break my health. I don't hate any of it anymore! I am still planning on painting the trim throughout the apartment and repaint the walls in the kitchen. But that is going to wait for a little longer. I think I should finish unpacking and organizing first!
I am becoming an increasingly boring person. Sorry super fans. So sorry.
I took a week off work just before Easter to paint my kitchen cupboards. It was a hellish vacation. Okay, it wasn't that bad. But seriously, who takes off a week of work to complete a project that they really hate doing? I need to learn to take fun vacations. I have not put the doors back on yet. Hopefully I will finish that tonight and tomorrow. I also painted the kitchen ceiling. The room looks so much brighter. It feels good to have improved my feelings toward the kitchen. It is a super important room that can make or break my health. I don't hate any of it anymore! I am still planning on painting the trim throughout the apartment and repaint the walls in the kitchen. But that is going to wait for a little longer. I think I should finish unpacking and organizing first!
I am becoming an increasingly boring person. Sorry super fans. So sorry.
Friday, March 27, 2009
I've Said Too Much (I Haven't Said Enough)
(Please note that this post is loose in its use of the word "faith". At times "faith" is used to describe the Christian faith, or faith as a spiritual gifting, at other times the term is used for faith in Jesus, or faith in "God". If my loosey-goosey writing troubles you, then I recommend that you find something better to read).
I am very thankful that I have been gifted with faith. Faith has never been something that I have had wrestle with. It is because of my naturally acquired faith that I just cannot understand how one is able to fall out of faith. I fully understand having a distaste for Christianity. It has a pretty terrible history and its current situation isn't any better. I understand disliking fundamentalism. The heaven/hell conversation is tiring at best. Fear of the human body and sexuality? Come on. And if it is only the people that hold the exact same understanding of Jesus as Savior that I have, then there will be, at most, two dozen people in Paradise. Baugh. I can easily see why one could lose faith in the way Christianity is playing out and its players. What I don't understand is why those things have such a hold over FAITH. How those things can cause a loss of faith in Jesus. Seriously, losing faith in Jesus means once having faith in Jesus. I mean, come on, the dude turned water into WINE. WATER into WINE! The guy knew how to party. And how to treat people with dignity and respect and love. Jesus would have paid attention to ME. Not despite my gender but because I am a valuable part of Creation. Jesus. Sigh. Best boyfriend ever.
Okay, fine, I am probably just a simpleton. And I should probably just be thankful that I find faith to be so easy. The thing is, I do not understand why it is so hard for some people. I wish I could make it easier so people could just be with Jesus. For the kingdom of God is within us. I really wish I could make it easier...
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
My Self Esteem Means More To Me Than You Do
Ah...young love. I don't have it, but a friend does. I do not like boy drama, but he made it sound good. I'm thinking of creeping random boys on this information super highway. Then I will fall in love with one of those poor suckers and be part of the "in love" club. I will be so cool then. Too cool for school? I hope not. I am starting my masters in September(!). My coworker also got in (!). She went to an info session on the program, and there was a boy there that may or may not be gay that she thinks we should befriend (or I should marry). We'll see. We will see.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Fu**ed Up
Some not good things. A guy took a friend's methadone to cure his hangover. He is now dead. One of the most interesting, most likable people I have ever met keeps on cutting himself. He's been to the hospital twice in a week. Third hand news: some people paid a street person $x to drink a bottle. They approached him outside a grocery store in Chinatown. When he handled it well, they gave him another bottle. He woke up in the hospital. Apparently he was hooked up to machines for about 18 hours. Help. us. please.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Robert Downey Jr. Syndrome
(Note: this post is from last week - I was at a conference at Calgary's U)
I just called my brother. He is filling up his friend's dorm room with balloons, and he just finished filling the sink with jello. I asked if he was on his own. He said no. I said it would be funnier if he was on his own. He said no it would not. And that, dear readers is how I am different from my brother.
I am listening a band that I have a musical crush on. I saw one of the guys in the crowd at a show in the fall. It was just after I left a gala. I was still wearing a gown. I was hoping he didn't notice how nerdy I was wearing a gown in the midst of hipsters. He didn't notice. Sigh.
I think someone just sprayed me with water and it made me sad with myself for not putting much effort into some of my oldest and most treasured friendships. I am a lazy friend sometimes.
I am seriously having a perfect university moment right now. I am sitting in the sun. I am warm. I have good music. I am learning. I am around men who mostly aren't homeless. I miss school. I miss not working.
And now time for a complaint. So there is food at this conference, and there are people that serve the food. I was looking for tea after lunch and the area was quiet and empty. During my search I heard a whistle. I ignored it. Then I heard another whistle. One of the servers walked by me and whistled. I eventually looked up and saw that he was watching me for a reaction. This is annoying on the street and totally inappropriate at one's place of employment. I then heard this phrase escape from my lips: are you fuc*ing kidding me? I was so mad. I really need to stop wearing tube tops. I am so trashy. My top two giftings: the gift of cheerleadership and the gift annoyance.
I just called my brother. He is filling up his friend's dorm room with balloons, and he just finished filling the sink with jello. I asked if he was on his own. He said no. I said it would be funnier if he was on his own. He said no it would not. And that, dear readers is how I am different from my brother.
I am listening a band that I have a musical crush on. I saw one of the guys in the crowd at a show in the fall. It was just after I left a gala. I was still wearing a gown. I was hoping he didn't notice how nerdy I was wearing a gown in the midst of hipsters. He didn't notice. Sigh.
I think someone just sprayed me with water and it made me sad with myself for not putting much effort into some of my oldest and most treasured friendships. I am a lazy friend sometimes.
I am seriously having a perfect university moment right now. I am sitting in the sun. I am warm. I have good music. I am learning. I am around men who mostly aren't homeless. I miss school. I miss not working.
And now time for a complaint. So there is food at this conference, and there are people that serve the food. I was looking for tea after lunch and the area was quiet and empty. During my search I heard a whistle. I ignored it. Then I heard another whistle. One of the servers walked by me and whistled. I eventually looked up and saw that he was watching me for a reaction. This is annoying on the street and totally inappropriate at one's place of employment. I then heard this phrase escape from my lips: are you fuc*ing kidding me? I was so mad. I really need to stop wearing tube tops. I am so trashy. My top two giftings: the gift of cheerleadership and the gift annoyance.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
I'm Gifted in Cheerleadership
I want to be a farmer. I am super excited about having a yard. We have peonies, and potentillas (I think), rose bushes, and two apple trees. And grass. Lots of grass. We started talking about what we want planted. I would like to have a big vegetable garden and lots of flowers and whatever will make butterflies and birds and animals want to hang out in our yard. I have to keep reminding myself that it takes years for gardens to develop. Eek!
I also have a dream for a community garden near my work. The centre is next door to a big fenced off piece of land. That land has quite a history and I would really like to be part of redeeming it to something good and beautiful. I have not yet had a chance to run the idea by the big boss, until then I can still have hope. I am fully expecting to pitch this idea and then being told that the land is too political and I don't have a hope in hell. Until then...
We are also talking about commissioning a friend of a friend to paint a mural on our garage. I envision it being "The Sower"esque. (Van Gogh's - when the sower is up close and there is a big sun). We will see. I think that fixing our roof will take precedence over spray paint. Function before beauty.
One more house thing. It looks like I am going to be the only person in my place without a pet. The heaven level has a cat. Above ground have birds and geckos and is applying for a dog. The other bottom dweller just got a cat. I am nervous that I will be allergic to the dog. If I am, then I won't be able to visit any of the other suites for more than a couple hours at a time. Whine whine wine.
I also have a dream for a community garden near my work. The centre is next door to a big fenced off piece of land. That land has quite a history and I would really like to be part of redeeming it to something good and beautiful. I have not yet had a chance to run the idea by the big boss, until then I can still have hope. I am fully expecting to pitch this idea and then being told that the land is too political and I don't have a hope in hell. Until then...
We are also talking about commissioning a friend of a friend to paint a mural on our garage. I envision it being "The Sower"esque. (Van Gogh's - when the sower is up close and there is a big sun). We will see. I think that fixing our roof will take precedence over spray paint. Function before beauty.
One more house thing. It looks like I am going to be the only person in my place without a pet. The heaven level has a cat. Above ground have birds and geckos and is applying for a dog. The other bottom dweller just got a cat. I am nervous that I will be allergic to the dog. If I am, then I won't be able to visit any of the other suites for more than a couple hours at a time. Whine whine wine.
Thursday, February 05, 2009
I've Got a Fever
I have spring fever. Or is it cabin fever? I have a type of fever caused by an intense enjoyment of the weather leading to an inability to do things like concentrate and stuff. That is what I have.
Today after Yahtzee I went through the stats and pulled out everyone's high scores. It was probably the most productive hour of my day. After work, I was so excited to pick up a package at the post office. My colon cleansing kit finally came in! When I went to pick it up, I needed photo ID with my current address. I was really annoyed because I haven't changed my address on my driver's license. I had to go home and find a bill. I mean, seriously, if I intended on finding someone with my name and then steal their package notification, would I not just go into their mailbox and also steal that for proof? Blah. Identification is a big deal. Apparently Canada Post now requires government issued photo identification with a current address. What if you don't have an address? What if you don't have the means to get government issued ID?
I spend so much time at work with people who are forever losing/getting their ID stolen. Canada Post, I see where you are coming from, but you are making life very difficult for many people.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Office Politics

Thursday, January 22, 2009
Five Aces Make A.....
I won today's lunch Yahtzee. My score was 308. Not too bad. I have been having a pretty bad run with the Yahtzee. Perhaps the times, they are a changin'(?).
I started getting nauseous again this week. It stinks. My ear feels effed up.
We have our house warming party this Saturday. I am planning on dancing so hard. What else... Jess got her stove yesterday. As soon as the gas gets hooked up I can make myself a stirfry. And I have a Bollywood Dance workout video on hold at the library. And Bon Iver has a new ep out. Yahtzee!
I started getting nauseous again this week. It stinks. My ear feels effed up.
We have our house warming party this Saturday. I am planning on dancing so hard. What else... Jess got her stove yesterday. As soon as the gas gets hooked up I can make myself a stirfry. And I have a Bollywood Dance workout video on hold at the library. And Bon Iver has a new ep out. Yahtzee!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Follow Me?
I made a few changes to this ol' blog. Mostly because I want followers. So...please become a follower. Please. I am so lonely. So very lonely.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Don't Stop Me Now
I am almost settled into my place (finally). I have a few boxes to unpack and need to make/find some more art and touch up a little more paint. But I am almost settled and it feels good. I painted everything. I chose a pretty wimpy colour scheme. My bathroom and kitchen are the whitest white, the living room is a light icy blue, and my bedroom is a pale lavender. Girly girly. It makes me pretty happy. I finally bought a stove that I can pick up the first weekend of Feb. I am really looking forward to that luxury.
I am really happy in this moment. I am listening to Queen, drinking a delightful cocktail and waiting for my favorite married pregnant ladies. I told my mom that another one of my girls was knocked up. My mom responded if I was pining for a partner. I don't do pining. I really don't. I am happy at least for a moment.
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
I Hate Green Beans
I really do. I hate them always. I think they are the grossest of vegetables. Okay, I know vegetarians (especially vegetarians with allergies) are supposed to like all vegetables. Take what you can get you picky priss (not to be confused with pissy prick). But I hate 'em. Except in Amy's lentil soup in the green can. I have no complaints with the green bean in Amy's green can lentil soup.
Now...time for a quick update on the last post. The guy who got his head kicked is doing okay. AND my family who got in trouble is still in trouble, but is looking to make some serious life changes. Both results seem like miracles. Actually, the green beans in the green can seem like a miracle as well. Three miracles in just over a week. Now that is pretty awesome.
And now one quick secret... I am applying for school (again). I feel ambivalent about getting in. I really don't have any preference of being accepted over being rejected. The program is only offered every other year, so I decided to give it a shot for this year. The classes are on the weekend, so I can still work full time. But it is a four year program and I don't do so well with commitments. We'll see... We will see...
Now...time for a quick update on the last post. The guy who got his head kicked is doing okay. AND my family who got in trouble is still in trouble, but is looking to make some serious life changes. Both results seem like miracles. Actually, the green beans in the green can seem like a miracle as well. Three miracles in just over a week. Now that is pretty awesome.
And now one quick secret... I am applying for school (again). I feel ambivalent about getting in. I really don't have any preference of being accepted over being rejected. The program is only offered every other year, so I decided to give it a shot for this year. The classes are on the weekend, so I can still work full time. But it is a four year program and I don't do so well with commitments. We'll see... We will see...
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