Friday, December 04, 2009

Lemon and Cayenne and Maple, Oh My!

I am still "working" on getting a diagnosis of some sort for my allergies/sensitivities. "Working" may not be the right word as it implies some sort of action. I am actively waiting to meet with a new naturopath (only 10 more days until my appointment). When I'm not busy waiting, I keep myself busy with consuming copious amounts of gluten (bread, beer, and muffins). It has been such a good time. I have heard that some people with problems with gluten lose weight - I don't. I feel like a whale. Be-luuuu-ga. My belly hurts and some of my pants don't fit very well. I decided that as soon as I find out just what's going on in my body I am going to go on (drum roll...) the Master Cleanse. I really really love things that cleanse my insides. My favorite part of the description of the cleanse is when it describes the Salt Water Flush (disgusting). I have senna tea left over from the time that I did the Colonix Colon Cleanse (which was a total let down) so I won't be braving the flush. TMI? Too bad for you.

1 comment:

cayliedawn said...

hey! i've been thinking of trying that cleanse. lemme know how it goes.