I have been a grade "A" grouch-bot lately. I just do not understand what people are thinking. Now...think of three good things. The weather is nice. I am going to play Yahtzee tonight. I bought of pair of almost new jeans for $7. I also just got a scholarship for a conference in a few weeks. Yip! yip! for learning! My application for school is also in. I have no idea when I will know if I've been accepted. Although it would be 4 years of working and school on the weekends, I am hoping to get in. I just need some things to change in my life. I really like my line of work, but I want new opportunities and challenges. Maybe I just want the summer. I am tired AND boring. I went to a show last night. Bad idea. I like sleep. Oh yes, and my library-related celebrity crush was, well, crushed last night. My friend also has a crush on this boy, and they chatted it up, and he got the boy's name which just ruins the whole celebrity thing. Baugh.
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