Thursday, June 26, 2008


Hey you effers, do I have a story for you! I have been quite stressed the last week and a bit because some I know was getting a really large chunk of money as repayment for being abused as a youngster. I was able to support him through the process of getting his ID (not his id - it was already there), paperwork, walking him to the Service Canada centre, etc. I was quite concerned because a large amount of money could sure kill a person with addictions issues. He came in on Thursday sober and with his partner. His cheque came in that day. Together we went to the bank, opened an account, put almost all the money away with a little left over for a couple of bikes. It was perfect. Thank you God. I think that may be my first good story ever. 


cayliedawn said...

way to go, friend. for reals.

Heidi said...

Your story gives me hope. That is awesome.