Saturday, June 07, 2008

Working for the Joy of Giving

True story. Yesterday I managed to leave work early and I decided that I wanted to eat pizza. I can't really do the Kinnikinick pizza crusts that Prego uses because it has a lot of corn and tapioca in it. So I decided to make my own. I was going to let the yeast do it's thing while I got some cider. What better to accompany not-quite-pizza than not-quite-beer?! As I was putting the yeast back in the fridge I realized that it was (drumroll.....) AMARANTH! Oops. I would have been waiting for a hell of a long time for that to rise. I drank. I ate. I was merry. 
I am starting to feel settled in life once more. It's a good feeling. I go through the motions of work without much emotion. Neutrality can be very very comforting. I really like changes, and we're having some physical changes with our buildings at work. I think that may have something to do with my contentment. Plus, our housing co-op group (On Earth) has met with the consultant once and we're making some head way. We are meeting again tomorrow to work on vision statement and goals. It's exciting. 
On a side note: I am going to see Islands tonight. Jealous? And my friend for almost 10 years, Jeff A is coming down tonight. Most of the friends that I've had for 10 years I get to see at least weekly. But not Jeff A. I almost never see him. We don't have anything in common and I think it's funny and nice that we still are friends. He is someone who is very good at keeping up friendships. I bought a loaf of bread and a frozen pizza with meat on it for him. I tried to think of things that I really wouldn't like and then thought that there was a good chance that he would like them. That's kind of the way things are with us. We don't like the same music, movies, food, or activities. One time I took him to the SugarBowl for supper. Nothing too out of the ordinary there. Comfortable atmosphere, meat and veggie options. I thought that it would be a good option that would please us both. I was wrong. I am not going to Boston Pizza or Moxie's. I will not. I wonder if he reads my blog. (hi Jeff. xxxoooxoxo)
On another side note. Crosby Stills Nash and Young break my heart. Everytime. 


cayliedawn said...

dammit! i was going to go see islands, but had no one to go with. i should have read your blog earlier!

ms. maybe said...

shoot! Well... I hope you learned your lesson.