Tuesday, June 24, 2008


It’s almost been a year since my last birthday party. Yes, it is that time of the year when I cry a lot and feel disappointed with both myself and the world. I had high hopes for this past year, but it turned out different that I had expected and hoped. This year was a year of waiting. It was the unseen progress stage of a number of projects. Things have happened, but I have yet to see the results. I am one impatient dude. My work, my volunteering, my housing. I've been waiting on these major areas and am still waiting. I am sure that I will see a lot of changes in the next year. I better. Or else...
On a happier note, friends are letting me have a party at their place. I haven't planned a party since I rented the hall for the airband party - more than a year and a half ago. I am so excited. I am making cake, and bringing my punch bowl. I made a music list. Maybe this time next year I will throw a party at my own place with a yard. And a baby. I mean a puppy. I mean a new pair of jeans.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

It is good thing you like change so much you can help us others to get through it. Happy Birthday - I am excited for Friday. I can be your d.d.