I took my car in for it's one year check up. It's seems like only yesterday it was rolling off the assembly line in Japan! Speaking of rolling off the assembly line, this weekend I ran into a boy from high school and we talked about how next year will be our 10 year reunion. So that means that I have been out of high school for 9 years. That means I only have one year to do something with my life before my lack of doing is made public. I mean more public than this public admission of not doing.
I don't feel like I haven't done things that I wanted to do. But looking at my life, what I have done? I went to school for a long time and accumulated a crazy amount of student loans. I spent some time on a train. I threw some good parties. I learned to drive. I....
I am happy with the way my life is. I have good relationships. I have Jesus. I have a stereo and a library card. I have hope. But my vanity kicks in from time to time and I remember what I look like. I am single. I rent. I work for little money at a job with little prestige. My hair's okay, but could use a little something. I don't even have a pet.
So there's the 10 years in one year thing, and then there's the 27 years in 2 1/2 months thing. I will be 27 soon and I don't have a pet. I have decided that in response to the disappointment my life has become, I will set goals that I will dedicate the next year of my life to accomplish.
Short term goals (to be reached by June 29, 2007)
* I will get my dad to talk about the "massive pythons" coming out of his shirt
* I will finish with the business plan for a certain housing project
* I will cause someone to shoot milk out of their nose
* I will clean up spilled milk because I made someone shoot it out of their nose
* I will relearn the Electric Slide
* I will listen to LeadBelly
* I will convince a particular friend to go a particular clinic to get a particular scab examined
Longer term goals (to be reached before 10 year reunion in 2008)
* I will "unlock my body and move myself to dance" at good friend's wedding
* I will find a husband for Heidi, and convince his hot and nerdy cousin to accompany me to stupid reunion
* I will use some of the denim that I've accumulated to make a "wicked hot" something or other
* I will teach people the Electric Slide at E squared's wedding
* I will overuse the term E squared
* I will go somewhere I've never been
* I will get nice hair
* I will be happy with not doing
* I will be
Lame goals. Lame life. Whatever. Your life is lame too. Look at what you're spending your time on. Let's all feel bad about ourselves. Good idea, Ang. Good idea.
So funny. Find me a husband hey? What screening tool to you plan on using? Its my tenth year reunion too and I am already 27 - I am up sh*t creek without a paddle that's what I say!
more and more every day i wish you were a boy. i would date you in a second. but you're not, but we are friends! everything is okay!
you should watch "the science of sleep," if you haven't already. that's the kind of boy we need to find ourselves, maybe minus the craziness.
love, caylie!
Wish I was a boy, huh? Kinda weird, kinda flattering. I think I'd make a pretty wussy boy. But cute. People find my brothers cute. So. Uh. Thanks. :)
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