I almost died tonight. I don't seem to be able to navigate very well in the dark. I was driving home from Taylor and I'm never down in that area and I turned onto 111 street and then I realized that there were cars coming towards me and then I put my trucker mouth on (pretending that I occasionally take said mouth off). Man, oh man. I have one of the worst potty mouths I know. I use fouler than foul language 17 times out of 2o. My goodness.
Well, I didn't die tonight. But I sure felt silly. I think that when I start screening for a husband on the questionnaire portion I will focus on the vehicular aspects of life. Willingness to wash the car, change tires, general maintenance, and basic chauffeur duties. I think my favorite part about the screening process will be the dance off. I'm willing to give points for enthusiasm to those lacking rhythm. I haven't got very far on developing the screening tool. There will be a questionnaire that will cover an overview of daily life: political leanings, engagement in social issues, skills (such as carpentry and car knowledge), and long term goals. There will also be a portion where he will pick a restaurant (keeping in mind my food issues). We will also go shopping (to flesh out dedication to labour standards, etc.). And of course there will be a dance off. That for sure will be my favorite part.
I also want you all to know that I almost got kissed at work yesterday. Two almosts in two days. My goodness.
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