Thursday, March 01, 2007

Google This, Byron Gravel

Last summer I was at the Folk Fest, and was posed the question, "if you could see someone from your past, and get updated on their life, who would it be?" My response was easy: Byron Gravel. I'm at a workshop today today and one of the presenters has mannerisms that remind me of one of my favorite friends who has denied me the right of knowing the current, 27 year old, effed up dude who I would be sure to love as much now as I did when I was 16. So, Mr. Gravel, if you are nearly as vain as I hope you are - I look forward to you finding this blog when you google your name. I love you and miss you and would like to be your friend again. Please let me back in. (Please note: this blog was first scripted in a coffee shop beside a soy latte and one table from a handsome man in a blue jacket).
Do people actually find sucess with those ads in the weeklies: "I saw you in the parking lot of PetSmart. You were wearing green, I was tongue-tied and carrying a 2o pound bag of kitty litter..."? I can't imagine them working well. I saw you at that coffee shop on Jasper with the fair trade/organic sign. You were making coffee. I was neglecting my latte and frantically scratching words onto a napkin...
Jessica once described me as having a frantic personality. She got the keys to her new place last night. She brought me and a couple of house plants there where we pictured the likelihood of seeing the tree next door while lying on the couch. It's nice to have someone so close.
Sad and lonely - nothing to do... Yesterday on my way home from work, I was feeling particularly sad as I often do at the end of the day, and I remembered that God really loves me, even when I'm sad. Especially when I'm sad.
The workshop I'm taking is on concurrent disorders - mental health and addictions. One of the questions we are asked to think about is where my hope is: my hope is in the hope of the world - the true hope for redemption: Santa Clause. I mean Jesus. I can't imagine being in the 'helping industry' and have to spend time on that question. I think I would be so overwhelmed without Him. I mean I still feel overwhelmed with Him. Thank God for community.
I'm having a sleepover this weekend, and I'm pretty sure the building of forts will be involved. And dancing, and cocktails. Dancing, and drinking cocktails in a fort with friends. Thanks God!
I'm hopeless, and Byron-less, with nothing to do - and God is good when I am not. Thank you for being the hope of the world. Thank you for making me part of the world. Amen.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

I second that! I miss you too Byron. I hope you are having a good time in Calgary. Thanks for the fun sleep over sorry there was no dancing and no forts but I know I had a great time. Yeah for cocktails and Apples to Apples.