Thursday, November 30, 2006

Red Itchy Shopping Carts

I think my belly button might be infected or something. I did a little google search and I think I'm going to try washing it with salt water twice a day for 2-3 days and if the symptoms persist I may see my physician. I am going to bed right away and I'm looking forward to it. What I'm most looking forward to is lying in bed listening to the heat maker thing. It sounds like a shopping cart and at first I thought it was a shopping cart because there are carts in my hood and then I realized that it was really just the sound of staying warm. Now it's time for me to not think about my red itchy belly button and just focus on sleep.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your bellybutton. Coming from nurse I think that internet gave you some good advise about the salt water - I really hope you won't have to consult your physician.

Anonymous said...

I think that bellybuttons are really , really funny. Philip always makes fun of mine. Raylene Sweeney's always got infected in high school and she said her sisters did too.
I like your blogs.