Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Energize While You Synergize

I just want to take some time to share with you, dear friends, how much I love carbohydrates. I love them. My current favorites (in no particular order): potatoes, rice and quinoa. My naturopath has convinced me to try to diversify my diet more. (I like the idea of eating locally but by cutting out wheat and corn my options are limited). (That was just in case you were judging me about my irresponsibility. I am jerk. I am knowing it). Sometimes I like to make jokes about not eating breads because I'm on Atkins. It's a joke that is quickly fading and was probably never very funny. But I laugh and laugh. Atkins! Can you even imagine?
Yesterday I went to a conference and the craziest thing happened. The facilitator used the words interface and synergy (about 4 times). "Hopefully we can interface again, and get some synergy going". What?! If it happened just once, I may have been able to handle it. But it happened more than once. When synergy got synergized, I scoffed. No one, not one, should use that word in any form more than once a day. I thought words like that were just jokes for people who understand Dilbert. I feel way more culturally relevant now. Finally.
MY HOUSE IS HOT!!!!! I live in an older house and the heat has been turned off for about a week now. But it's registering at about 26 degrees. Celsius.  Holy heff . Apparently there is a chance that some wires(?) are crossed and my suite is controlling a different suite's heat. The plumber is coming in next week. Until then, I will just try to enjoy balmy winter nights. 


kelseydawn said...

i've never had quinoa, should i? what's it all about?

Anonymous said...

ugh, i posted a duplicate and deleted it.
this thing makes it look so sketchy with "This post has been removed by the author."

ps - i love synergy

Heidi said...

Synergy make me think of Gem and the Holograms - anyone else?

ms. maybe said...

Thanks for asking, Kelsey. Quinoa is a grain. I cook it and then eat it with soy/almond milk and raisins. I'm sure there are lots of ways to eat it, but I'm just easing myself in.