Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Grumpy AND Boring (or reason #2846...)

Guess what?! I'm grumpy! Yesterday was a long day. I worked from 8am-8pm and then sat at a medicentre until 11pm. I finally had enough of my sore itchy eyes. I just had it. I'm tired of looking tired. I'm tired of working so hard during the day to not rub my eyes to catch myself frantically going at them as soon as I wake up. I've had it. I have been avoiding going to the doctor because: a) I don't like doctors and b) I thought that s/he would prescribe a steroid cream and I didn't want to go that route. So, I waited for 3 hours to have the "doctor" recommend a steroid cream. He warned me not to let it go into my eye. He told me he'd write up a script for a not-so-strong cream and not to not let it go in my eye. I reminded him that it was along my eyelashes. And he reminded me not to let it go in my eye. So I got up, put the script into my purse, got in my car and cried a little on my way home. Best boring day ever.
I am not going to work tomorrow and instead I am going to open up a new bank account, laminate posters, make some photocopies and buy some 100% recycled non-bleached toilet paper. And then I've got a hot date with Heidi and Colin and Final Fantasy. I may also go to the eye glass store to leave my frames so they can put in my new free lenses. Yes. You heard me correctly. New free lenses. I have been having a hard time seeing lately. I got my eyes checked a week ago and they haven't changed from my current prescription. A few days ago I noticed that the coating on my lenses is staring to wear off. I thought that they still might be covered by warranty. I went to the store on Saturday and the girl pulled up my info and told me that it was my last day covered by warranty! So, she's ordering me new lenses...for free! I really can't afford a new pair right now and so I'm feeling really happy. I feel like God was putting it on my mind. Thanks dude.
I have the tv on and Dave Matthews is a character on House. That reminds me...Joel apparently brought his lovely wife home on Sunday. I am anxiously awaiting their phone call. Esther brought me back a candy apple. I think my savage display with a caramel apple at the Vermilion fair left an impression on her. I'm pretty sure that it was even worse looking than I imagined. Much much worse.
Now this is the last time (FOR REAL this time) that I complain via my web log about my annoying eye issues. The next time I write about my eyes (if I ever and do - and we both know I will) it will be about how God has healed me and how they are no longer puffy or red or sore or itch. Hallelujah!


Heidi said...

Oh man you didn't tell me that you went to the medicentre for your eye. I am sorry - that sucks. I hope the cream works. See you at Final Fantasy and thanks for calling me a hot date!

Anonymous said...

i can't believe i missed final fantasy for the second time. geeze!

ms. maybe said...

Yah. It was pretty much awesome. Sorry you missed it.