Probably one of my favorite things in the world is community events. Tonight I am going to the Red Star to listen to the mayoral candidates. The election is on the 15th. Time to research the candidates. Time to stretch your voting fingers. I get to work the election this year. Now, when someone says: Political science degree? What the heff are you ever gonna do with that? I can now reply: I do election stuff. For the record, my degree will not help me with doing election stuff, but it almost legitimizes part of education. Thursday (Oct 11) I am missing The Office to go to a lecture called "Places Rebuilt or Places Reborn. Is There a Difference?". It's at the MacLab Citadel Theatre at 7:30. Man, I love the city. Love the city. AND next Saturday, Brian McLaren is going to be speaking in Calgary. Road trip!
I'm not sure if my eczema is just getting worse or if it's allergies, but my eyes look disgusting. My daily eye routine is this: wake up in the morning, look in the mirror and feel sad. Wash my face, look in the mirror and feel sad. Try to rub off any extra skin (eww, I know). Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. Try to cover up some of the red with eyeliner and foundation. Try not to scratch eye. Try not to scratch eye. Try.... Wash my face. Put on vitamin E oil - lots of vitamin E oil. Look in the mirror and feel sad. Wake up... (No. People haven't been asking. Not in words at least, but it was written on so many faces). This will hopefully be my last eye talk for awhile.
One more thing, I found a chiropractor last week. I've had problems in my lower back, and leg for awhile. Sometimes I can hardly walk because my right leg just stops working. I was at the Martin Sexton concert last Tuesday (so good) and I stood up at intermission and realized that I could hardly balance myself. I wanted to make sure that I was in good working order so I could bust a move or two Saturday night. So on Wednesday I looked in the phone book for someone close by and I found one and I went and she was awesome. It was such a blessing to find someone competent on my first try (I had been going to a guy in Vermilion, but it was inconvenient as I haven't lived there for 9 years). She did some deep tissue stuff and told me that I might bruise. So as soon as I got in my car, I pulled my pants down a little to see if my ass was bruised. In the middle of checking, someone knocks on my window. At first I thought it was someone from work. At second glance, I notice that he looked at little more...bourgeois than someone from work. I rolled down my window, then he starts talking about my bumper sticker (sow justice reap peace). He asks: so, is there a group that sows justice? What? You may have just caught me looking at my ass and I'm supposed to answer your questions?! What do you mean? Like is there a group or friends that are working to do justice? Uh.... I have friends. It went on for awhile, and I ended up giving him my card telling him that I could connect him with the volunteer coordinator. It was pretty awkward. But, I've gone for a second adjustment and I feel better than I have for awhile. And I walked, so I didn't have to talk to anyone about my sticker.
Now, off to the Red Star.
angie your eye predicament is so sad. it made my heart sink reading about it, i wish there was some way i could help. my mom has ecxema, or however you frickin spell it, on her hands and it looks sooo painful i can't even imagine what it would be like near your eyes. she has a special cream from her doctor, i am not sure if you know of it or not, and it seems to work pretty well. anyways just ask me if you need to know which cream it is or whatever. Although maybe you already know about all this... so nevermind.
electoral politics are shitty because pretty much whoever has the largest advertising budget usually wins, and it's usually some rich golf playing white dude. surprise surprise. anyways, off to eat a glass sandwich made by an old lady.
My eyes aren't as terrible as they sound. I'm afraid of medicated creams because I don't want them to damage my eyes.
And I think you don't like electoral politics just because you're embarrassed about your shoddy golf skills.
I almost forgot about the glass sandwich. Help me to never forget.
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