Thursday, November 08, 2007

Body Talk (I Miss Nachos)

I haven't blogged for awhile because: a) my computer is on the fritz and spontaneously shuts itself down b) I haven't been feeling well for awhile (physically, mentally and spiritually) and I'm trying to become more of a happy blogger c) I just didn't.
I went to the Naturopath on Wednesday and found out some good news. I am sensitive to not only gluten, wheat, and dairy but also oats, corn, peanuts and cashews! Phew. I was very glad to hear these things. They suck but I hope that avoiding them will help heal my "leaky gut" (I apparently have a leaky gut). I can't express just how nice it was to have a medical professional not brush me off as some punk ass-hypochondriac kid. She listened to me and then tried to help me. I first started getting sick 10 years ago and I've gone to a few doctors the past 8 years and they weren't helpful. One told me I had the stomach flu. One tried to get me on anti-depressants. Eventually I convinced one that something wasn't right. After 2 very uncomfortable tests, we discovered that my intestines work just fine, thank you very much. I eventually did the reasonable thing and eliminated things out of my diet and that helped a ton. And then Jesus took away a constant pain that was in my stomach (thanks). But I still feel like garbage. And now I feel like maybe I won't feel like garbage for forever. I have someone to help me. Can you even believe it?
I am sad about saying good bye to popcorn and tortilla chips and peanut butter. But I'm glad that she didn't say I had problems with soy or watermelon. I almost never eat watermelon but the idea of saying goodbye to the tastiest food around might be too much emotionally. And if I couldn't eat tofu, I might just stop eating all together. This is boring for most of you. But because I am not bored by this I will continue to fill you in on my progress. Progresssssssssss.


Heidi said...

Thanks for posting again. I kept checking and today it was new. I am glad that you had a positive health care experience. I am sure nachos miss you too.

cayliedawn said...

i have an allergy test appointment scheduled for february. you might be the only person in the world to understand how exciting that is for me.

Unknown said...

Have you had any progresssss?