Monday, May 21, 2007

A T-Shirt By Any Other Name

I like it when moments from the past pull together for a really great present. On Friday I went to Feist and it was overall a fan-flippin-tastic night. On the way there, I saw a man I used to know who always reminds me of a pirate. Then I saw a man running in his really white loafers. I met white loafer man again at the theatre. Then after Chad VanGaalen played beautifully and without an offensive tirade I saw this guy that sat with me and Jess on our first date. It was at the Powerplant. I think Sarah Slean was playing. The main reason that I remember this boy is that he was just so perfectly nerdy. And he asked if we were going to Snoop Dog. We weren't. He was. I can't believe I let him go...

I was really excited about going to Feist because I was going alone and I haven't been to a show solo for two years. In my memory there are few things greater than enjoying music at a beautiful theatre by myself. Well...I was wrong. It was good but it could have been better. One problem was the man who sat next to me. When he first sat down I thought: wow. that guy smells like a bakery. I didn't think he smelt like a baker because the only baker I've ever hugged smells more like cologne than bread. The bakery thought lasted for about 3o seconds and then I realized he reeked of booze. On my time off I would rather sit by a friend than by random stinky drunk man.

I went to Vermilion again this weekend. It has been my goal to go more often to make my family love me. I think perhaps distance DOES make the heart grow fonder. One of the highlights of the weekend was the part when dad was dressing for church and explaining how you never know if it will be hot or cold in there, and how he was prepared. He pointed out that he was wearing a "sweatshirt" under his sweater. After we pointed out that the "sweatshirt" was actually a t shirt, he explained "that's what I call it". What?


Heidi said...

Oh if only random drunk man had given me his ticket it could have been a night made in heaven. I guess you can't win them all. Your dad cracks me up. I love how he gets so convinced of things that could never be true.

Anonymous said...

i don't have anything to say about this post, but i like when people acknowledge that they've read my posts.

i've read your post.

michelle said...

i've read your post too Angie. I told Colin about your facebook group about showers for singles. He laughed. It's supposed to be funny as well as legitimate right? If not, he didn't laugh.

ms. maybe said...

Oh yes. I am serious. I really like stuff and I want more stuff. Much more stuff. Free stuff.