Wednesday, May 30, 2007

It's Time We Talked....

about finger foods and flowers. First, finger foods.

I think Deviled Eggs are the sexiest finger food, possibly even the sexiest food. First of all, there's the name. Deviled = dangerous, dirty, dead sexy. The Deviled Egg is pretty looking and every cocktail party needs them. By the way, the cocktail party is the sexiest party around. To me, that means that the necessary food at the sexiest of parties is the sexiest food. (One time we had a cocktail party and we hid all the unsexy objects, and made bizarre art out of stools and candles. Sexy. I think it was sexy. Maybe the art wasn't sexy...we did add a large bottle of rum to the punch. But the Deviled Eggs, now they were sexy). I like how finger foods feel festive. Stick a toothpick in a piece of watermelon. And like that you've got party-worthy melon. Love it.

Second, flowers.
Why is a pansy a pansy? Seriously. Why did we start calling wussy boys pansies? I love the pansy. I think they are tied with the sweet pea as being my favorite flower. Simple. Sweet. Perfect. They are the Sandra Dee of flowers. Today I bought a bunch of flowers for my front steps. I love flowers and no one ever buys me any. Now I can sit on my steps and read and look at pretty. I like pretty.
Speaking of pretty.... everyone should listen to Pony Up! They are a wicked awesome girl band from Montreal. I heard them open for Camera Obscura a few years ago. I really liked them, but I never bought an album. I took out "Make Love to the Judges With Your Eyes" from the library and I am so in love. They wore pretty shirt dresses when I saw them. I love shirt dresses.
I am probably going dress shopping tomorrow. I am in E squared's wedding in October and she is being a doll and letting us pick out our dresses. I really wanted to wear white, but she's insisting on fall colors. Hello...Bridezilla?


Anonymous said...

i like shirt dresses too.

if you are ever bored you should make me a mix tape. i will even buy the blank tape. huh?

Heidi said...

Oh Angie. You are delightful. No one but you would write a blog about deviled eggs - I love it!