This morning I left my house at 7:40 because I needed to drive half way across the city and back before I represented Candeo at a woman's breakfast at the church. I've never really understood the need for ministries specific to women and men - and I was quite sure that I could never fit in at a ladies breakfast. But let me tell ya, I was wrong. I'm not planning on joining the planning committee for the next woman's event, but I likely won't scoff at the next event either. There were a few woman who were very encouraging to me about our vision for Candeo. And it was nice to see all ages of women enjoying each others company. But the thing that really made me embrace the morning was a very funny older woman. I often feel like I'm "faking it". I feel like I present as a punk ass kid. I feel like the insides of me are adult and composed but I am very aware that there's lots between my insides and my outsides. And people don't usually see my insides. My outside indicates that I am a kid with poor vision and a sinus problem that has been miraculously cured by permanently installing an unsightly piece of metal through my left nostril. On the outside I have a misunderstanding of the proper placement of the word like and find most everything to be full of awe (ie. that's, like, awesome). I don't think my outside is going to change anytime soon. But for now and likely for the rest of today (and maybe a little of tomorrow) I'm not going to worry much about my outside. There was this wonderful older woman, a church lady, who was in front of me in the bacon line. She was being very silly and making jokes about the sausage still being alive. I know that silly church ladies DO exist, but I see them so infrequently. I wonder if she worries about her outsides. I hope when I'm a silly older church lady (if I become a silly older church lady) that I will finally get over my outsides and just be happy that I have insides.
I'm watching a Pixies concert from the library and it's good. I recommend everyone takes out music videos from the library. It gives a person less reason to leave the house when you have the option to go to shows at home. Joel Plaskett is playing tonight and I'm not going. I have a film on the Clash that's due back tomorrow. Maybe I'll watch that instead. Maybe I will.
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