Friday, September 05, 2008

Woke Up With Brain on My Head

I am attempting to go more natural with my "beauty" routine. I am slowly learning about the ingredients that go into most cosmetics. I am still reacting to eye make up and I decided it's time to make some more changes. I have also decided to stop colouring my hair. I know that the chemicals in hair colour are not good for me or the earth. Good bye nice hair. Hello my hair. I have only about 3 inches of natural hair colour. Last night I discovered that I have a patch of gray. I know that I have some stray grays, but I did not know that I have a patch. I am quite excited about it. I got my girls to go through my hair last night to see if I have more patches. I don't. I am trying to embrace aging while I am still young. I was hoping that my acne would be gone before I got wrinkles. Maybe it still will. (Fat chance). 
I am still thinking about age a lot. I feel like my inner age is 14. I love sneakers, knee socks, cute pop music, and skipping races. My actual age is twice as old as my inner age. I have a young face and a very old creaky body. I get annoyed when older people tell me how lucky I am to be young because when I get old, then my body will start to shut down. Gee whiz. (Hello middle finger, nice to see ya). I hope that when my hair shows that I'm not 23 that I'll be treated like a grown up. But then will my sneakers, knee socks, pop rock, and skipping be deemed inappropriate? Bah. Perhaps I will be mature when I stop obsessing about what other people think about me. There's a goal.
We looked at a building this week. I loved it. It is in a perfect neighborhood on a perfect street. The house is adorable and very strange. It would need a lot of work. Adding bathrooms, updating kitchens, taking out and adding some walls. It's a dream come true. I couldn't sleep that night. I have a crush on a house. I keep on picturing our life together. I really need to start going out more around people.  Wanna be my friend? 

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