Saturday, January 27, 2007

Train Wreck

On my way to a restaurant to celebrate my friend Joanna's birthday this evening I had a random flashback from a few years ago. I was travelling across the country by train. Between Edmonton and Winnipeg I had the pleasure of witnessing a white hot affair take off. They met shortly after the train left the Edmonton station. They started talking and before long they were kissing. When we arrived at his stop in Winnipeg she managed to change her ticket and leave with them. I wonder where those crazy kids are today? Probably still in Winnipeg. With a love child. Or maybe in love with child. Sigh...if only I were so lucky.
I may not be lucky, but I did manage to get stuck under the table promptly after I arrived at the restaurant. I didn't know most of the people at Jo's party, so I decided to sit next to the ones that I did. Unfortunately, the spot close to them was right in the corner and everyone would have to get up for me to get in there. So, I did what any logical person in such a situation would do: I got down on the floor to climb under the table to the free spot. But the table was heavier than expected and closer to the bench than expected and I got stuck. The meal was delicious and we discovered an adequately lit and reasonably quiet lounge excellent for conversation. I got stuck under the table. Wow...I'm the prettiest person I know.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Oh I remember those two crazy love birds. They sure made my trip uncomfortable - "yikes somehow the look-out car has become the make-out car!"