Today had some suckiness to it. There was a twinge of suck. There's a regular at work that drives me nuts because he's dirty, and he said something dirty to me while touching my back and I freaked out and I told him to f*** off. Then I effed off upstairs because I thought I may otherwise punch him or the next person who got in my way. When I made my way back downstairs I found myself in the middle of a fight and that just pissed me off more. Then we closed up early because there was a near riot in the food line. Grrr..... Then I went for a walk with two coworkers where I explained how I don't do well with seemingly nice comments (ie. maybe you wouldn't have so many problems if you didn't look so good.) Grrr.... For the record: shut the eff up, biatch. And then I went back to work for a debrief of the morning's events and then a session on sexual harassment. And no, the Sexual Harassment Panda was not present. Thank you for asking. (And yes I am drinking wine right now. And no. It's not enhancing my mood. Thanks for asking.)
Peace and love. PEACE and LOVE.
(A boy that I had a celebrity crush on about 5 years ago added me as a friend on Facebook. OH-MY-GOODNESS!)
i am constantly in awe at how many "compliments" like that you get at work. for example someone saying you did "really good" getting people out of the drop in etc, when if a man were to do that there would be no compliment made because it's just a given that men kick people out of drop-ins. it is so fucking gendered sometimes it is unbearable! i am glad that i can just laugh, grimace, or whatever and you probably understand what's going on. oh by the way angie have you thought of maybe "dressing down" then you might not get harassed so much(sarcasm). enjoy the wine and hang in there buddy.
Thanks Jay. I am very thankful that I have someone who gets it. I know I should probably park the tube top, but I just love my wicked awesome tan...
ooooh! who is your celebrity crush!?!
angie i am glad that you are on the mend. thanks for hanging out with me on your health maintenance day.
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