Monday, February 12, 2007

Seriously Boring

So it turns out that I am indeed seriously boring. I think that since I've entered the blogosphere I've become increasing boring. You see, any seemingly interesting thing about my life, new thoughts, etc. are immediately sent to my blog. So anyone who reads this will also have the pleasure of hearing me speak about how I've become even more boring since I started to blog. Blah. I'm making myself bored. One of the first thoughts I had after being punched in the head was "good - something to write about". So these are my options: do more exciting things, fabricate stories of exciting things, stop writing. Or I could do more exciting things, and then cover them up by fabricating boring stories and then write about how I told boring lies about my exciting life.
Jess is moving into an apartment two buildings down from where I live. I am almost pooping my pants with excitement. (Note: Jess moving in beside me is not boring, so shut it).

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Please don't poop your pants - how will you ever get a boyfriend. Don't worry my life and my blog are even more boring. Are you coming to my house tonight to watch The Office?!?