A few days ago I had a sudden craving to listen to Caedmon's Call - a band I haven't listened to in years. Man, oh man. I hope that guy got a girlfriend in the meantime. That song "Table for Two" is pretty sounding, but possibly one of the loneliest songs...ever.
I had a really good Sunday today. Last Sunday was totally crappy. I convinced myself that all my friends decided to reject me due to a poor performance at a a party the night before. But today I woke in time for church, and I actually enjoyed the service. I had a pleasant lunch with pleasant people. I caught the bus right after I got to the stop. I read a good book on the way home and didn't puke, or even want to puke. And the day isn't even over yet. I feel like a million bucks. A million. Poor Mr. Lonely. I hope he's having a good Sunday, too.
"Given a chance and a rock see which one breaks a window/And see which one keeps me up all night and into the day"
Hey I am glad that your Sunday didn't blow two weeks in a row. I enjoyed the service too - Jeremy is a breathe of fresh air. I will have to dig out my old cds and listen to "Tabel for Two" I don't remember how it goes.
justina said...
hey, i read your blog by the way. i even tell friends that don't know you to read your blog (well, one so far).
i never listened to caedmon's call but this blog made me do some research. the song was written by derek webb, who does solo stuff now that my sister always tells me i should listen to. because he is anti-Bush and anti-Big Chrisitianity and pro-social justice and stuff. and he's been shunned by the Christian music biz because he uses bad words like "whore" and "damned." He is married now, I found out in my research.
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