Saturday, December 09, 2006

The Dirty Librarian Pt 2

Here is something from the Message that encouraged me soon after my terrible days:
If you preach, just preach God's Message, nothing else; if you help, just help, don't take over; if you teach, stick to your teaching if you give encouraging guidance, be careful that you don't get bossy; if you're in charge, don't manipulate; if you're called to give aid to people in distress, keep your eyes open and be quick to respond; if you work with the disadvantaged, don't let yourself get irritated with them or depressed by them. Keep a smile on your face (Romans 12).
I was irritated and depressed and I didn't have a smile on my face. I think a smile helps. I'll work on smiling more.

On a different dad bought a BMW. No joke.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good reminder Angie, thanks. I think that is one of the hardest things for me not getting depressed by them. Keep seeking out hope I guess that is all you can do.
Got your message today - call me if you don't go into work.