Saturday, August 02, 2008

Slightly Less Awkward Together

My dear friend Heidi is looking for a new car, and is considering a Yaris sedan. I think it would be so cute to see my little hatchback with her little sedan just cuddling. I wonder what the offspring of 2 yaris would be? Yari? Yariss? I recently found myself telling an acquaintence that Heidi and I aren't dating. It just looks like it. Jess and I used to go to the Goodwill just off of Whyte at least a couple times a month (until it closed - boo!). I think one of the boys that worked there thought that we were in love. We were. Just not with each other (but sometimes with the same cardigan). 
I have been thinking of my awkwardness more lately. It has become somewhat debilitating. I really don't like making new friends. There are so many awesome people in this world that I don't know and if I just stick to the ones that I do know I am missing out on who knows what. I am taking this week off to screw my head back on. I am taking time to cook and organize and yoga and read and write. There are many things that I need to change in my life. I need to start eating my seeds again. I need to start the castor oil pack. I need to downward facing dog and triangle pose. I need to get lost somewhere. I need to write. I need to pray. I need to relearn how to embrace my "other abled-ness" social skills. I feel it most at church and around churched people. I don't know what my problem is. I am a churched people. Okay, so this is my plan. I am going to go to church tomorrow and I will walk in faith that the Creator will heal me of my awkwardness. And if I still feel remnants of my former awkward self that will be just fine. It will be just fine. 
I went to the zoo today and I did 2 cartwheels. I also walked by many for sale signs. We are almost ready to start looking for properties. Hoot!

1 comment:

Heidi said...

I bought the sedan today. I think our Yari will be very happy together.