I am working on moving from f*** to "f" to "eff" and finally to "heff" . I feel good about where "heff" might take me. It's a little less 14, a little more 21. Before you know it, I'll be age appropriate.
My cousin just sent me a message saying she started reading my blog. Welcome, cousin Kerry. This is the cousin who apparently looks like me. A few years ago, I met a girl and I thought "she looks like my cousin Kerry". We hung out that summer and people thought we were sisters. I guess we do look alike.
On my way to work today I was listening to "Clap Your Hands Say Yeah" and I remembered the time I rubbed my shoulder into the lead singer of the Calgary, clap your hands-esque band "Light City Fiction". Man do I ever love local celebrity citings!
I am bored. I need a change. I satisfied-ish with my hair. I don't know what to do. I did a little school search Monday and Tuesday. I have been thinking about pursuing an MBA in Community Economic Development for the past year. The problem with that idea is the MBA part. Yuck. So, here I am with a career in a field I love, serving people I love in an agency that is a very good fit for my life. And. I am bored. I don't want to cut my hair and I don't want a new wardrobe. What else is there? More celebrity citings. I went to the library at lunch today and the cute boy wasn't there. (But nearly the complete Belle and Sebastian discography was there - what's wrong with you people? Listen to B&S. Constantly. Your life will never be the same). I need more celebrities in my life. I need more celebrity citings in my life. Or. Maybe I just need a life. Maybe I need to dance more. I have a wedding dance party to attend in 3 weeks. Maybe I need a hobby. I tried learning to knit last winter - I could develop that further. Maybe I should learn to crochet. I've been thinking about a video-log. Just in the case the world wide web doesn't have enough of me. I really like being on camera. I think I'm awfully entertaining. So many thoughts that are not worth developing any further..... sigh.... heff....
In conclusion: I'm trying out heff. I have a cousin. I'm bored. I like being around semi-famous people. I would like to be