Thursday, August 31, 2006

Fashion Redemption

I almost vomited on the bus - again. I don't understand. Jesus keeps on healing me from motion sickness and then I keep on getting sick again. Maybe it's just to keep me grounded. I mean you can't go far if you can't go anywhere without puking. The worst thing about it today was that it was on the way back from the mall. The mall. I hate the mall. I had to return something for my brother at the mall. Blah. Maybe God was trying to tell me something. Maybe I am being asked to hate the mall less and start a shopping ministry of some kind. I could seek out awkward junior high kids and teach them a lesson about fashion while drawing a little diagram of a great canyon. One side of the canyon is for unfashionable heathens while the other side is for God fearing hotties. To get on the side of hotness, all one needs to do is allow Jesus to bridge that gap. Hmm... it makes so much sense now. I guess I got sick on the bus for a reason.


Heidi said...

Hey friend. Love your blog. You are so witty. I like blogspot better I think I am going to switch but my entries are always so lame.
Pink Unicorn Rainbow - now that is hot. Thats another one for our generation - straight man? what the?

Miranda said...

You crack me up!

Heidi said...

Hey why have you stopped posting! Pick up the slack baby.